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niedziela, 12 grudnia 2010

Christmas time

Christmas time

Christmas time is very special time in Poland. You can see how traditional we are and how much we are connected with our families.

We start our Christmas on 24th of December and we call this day: WIGILIA [vigilya]. This word comes from latin and it means "to watch", "to lamb". In my family there is tradition that we wear Christmas tree this day. My mom is preparing the food as in the tradition is to have 12 meals on the table and as every meal means 12 months. And if everything is ready we wait to see the first star on the sky. only then we can start our supper. But we start it with the sharing the wafer which is the symbol of bread. And when we share the wafer we share also the wishes. 

It is very magical moment during the whole year even. 
We also leave the plate for special guest who can come uninvited. We believe that this day no one should stay lonely that is why we have one extra place on the table - just in case someone would like to join unexpectly. 
After the dinner we open gifts. I remember that when I was a kid, Santa Claus came to visit me :). And the moment I remember clearly is that I was preparing the green chair for him :). 
Then we sing carols - KOLĘDY [kolendi].

There has to be hay -SIANKO [shyanko] on the table as it reminds that Jesus was born in the stable and of course wafer - OPŁATEK [opwatek].

We have BARSZCZ [barshch] - beatroot soup with special kind of dumplings, salads, herrings, dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms... well, tradition is that we should taste all of them so there will be no lack of them in following year. 

25th of December we usually spend with the family, we go to the church... but the second day of Christmas we visit out further family, friends and again we eat :))). that is tradition and we should not be against, right? :)) 

I wish you to spend this Christmas with those you love, to stay healthy and to make your dreams come true. Stay in peace and share the love! 

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